Assurance chien ou chat
Assur O’Poil est un produit d’assurance santé proposé par le groupe HD Assurances, spécialement conçu pour les chiens et les chats.

Fondé en septembre 2002, Assur O’Poil fonctionne sur le même principe qu’une complémentaire santé en remboursant les frais vétérinaires liés aux accidents et aux maladies de votre animal de compagnie. Depuis 2009, Assur O’Poil a étendu sa présence en Italie à partir de 2016. Le groupe HD Assurances existe depuis 1976, ce qui témoigne de sa solide expérience et de son engagement dans le domaine de l’assurance. Assuropoil est fiers de pouvoir offrir à ses clients une protection complète pour leurs animaux de compagnie, en veillant à ce qu’ils puissent bénéficier des meilleurs soins vétérinaires lorsque cela est nécessaire.
De plus, Assuropoil offre une prise en charge pour les chiens non identifiés (non pucés), mais veuillez noter que le tarif sera légèrement plus élevé dans ce cas. L’un des avantages d’AssurO’Poil est que le tarif demeure le même pour toutes les races de chiens, sans aucune distinction.

Quels avantages y a-t-il à souscrire une formule mutuelle pour animaux de compagnie ? Nos chiens et nos chats ne sont pas à l’abri des maladies et des accidents. Il est important d’adopter une approche préventive et de prendre soin d’eux.
Votre animal est casse-cou ?
Choisissez la formule préventive et garantissez-lui une couverture optimale en cas d’accident ainsi que les frais chirurgicaux qui lui sont liés.
Chiens et chats
Préventive : seulement en cas d’accidents (20% de franchise)
Formule Préventive
( plafond de 1.300€/an )
Formule Préventive
( plafond de 1.800€/an )
Formule Préventive
( plafond de 2.500€/an )
Chien ou chat PUCÉ
Chien ou chat NON PUCÉ
195 € / an
268,80 € / an
292,80 € / an
420 € / an
393,60 € / an
567,60 € / an
* Veuillez trouver ci-dessus les tarifs de la formule Préventive de l’assurance chien ou chat d’Assuro’Poil, en date du 15.06.2022. Ces informations sont fournies sous réserve d’éventuelles erreurs.
Integral formula: in case of disease and accident ( franchise: 20% )
The integral formula covers accidents but also illnesses.
Veterinary costs are also covered, including in the case of vaccination and sterilization.
Dogs and catsIntegral: in the event of illness and accidents ( 20% deductible )
Integral Formula( ceiling of 1,300 € / year )
Integral Formula( ceiling of 1,800 € / year )
Integral Formula( ceiling of 2,500 € / year )
Dog or cat PUCED
Dog or cat NOT PUCED
420.60 € / year
17.20 € / year
615 € / year
792.60 € / year
771 € / year
567.60 € / year
* Please find above the rates for the full formula of Asuro’Poil dog or cat insurance, dated 15.06.2022. This information is provided subject to any errors.
Comfort formula: in case of free disease and accident
Do you want maximum protection for your animal ?
Choose the comfort formula that guarantees the best coverage in the event of illness and in the event of an accident.
Dogs and catsComfort: in the event of illness and accidents ( no deductible )
Comfort Formula( ceiling of 1,300 € / year )
Comfort Formula( ceiling of 1,800 € / year )
Comfort Formula( ceiling of 2,500 € / year )
Dog or cat PUCED
Dog or cat NOT PUCED
738 € / year
912 € / year
988.80 € / year
1,149.60 € / year
1,235.40 € / year
1,424.40 € / year
** Please find above the rates for the comfort formula for Asuro’Poil dog or cat insurance, dated 15.06.2022. This information is provided subject to any errors.
Comfort formula: in case of free disease and accident
The formula « Cat + » covers the costs generated by an accident or by an illness, up to 60% of the costs incurred.
This formula is ideal for cats living in apartments or for those who appreciate the great outdoors. It offers full coverage in the event of illness and accident, covering 60% of the actual costs.
Comfort formula: in case of free disease and accident
NEW: The formula « Dog + » covers the costs generated by an accident or by an illness, up to 60% of the costs incurred.
No matter how small your dog is, this formula is ideal for ensuring optimal coverage in the event of illness or accident. It covers 60% of the actual costs, thus ensuring total peace of mind.

Living in town, I didn’t want to leave my dog without a blanket during our daily walks. I am frankly reassured to know that he is covered like me.
Alison Verbeke

It’s never nice to see your little fur ball sick or victim of an accident. I did not think twice to subscribe a mutual for my little Lili. I really recommend it !
Marylise Dumont
Important to note: The Assur O’Poil formulas do not include taking charge of Civil Liability for your animals. However, your home insurance may cover any damage that may be associated with it.

The dog and cat insurance formulas, of the assuro ’ poil animal health insurance also include :
- Psychological help in case of loss of your pet.
- Management of your animal's illness or accident more than 50 km from home including abroad ( up to 500 € covered ).
- Take care of your animal if you are hospitalized ( e ) or immobilized ( e ).
- Transporting a loved one to your home ( maximum 305 € TTC ).
- Keeping outside your animal ( maximum 500 € TTC ) if no loved one can take care of it.
- Abroad exclusively: veterinary costs ( consultation or visit of a veterinarian, drugs prescribed by a veterinarian ) in the amount of 500 € TTC per animal – deductible of 20 € as well as the journey from home to the nearest clinic. AssurO’Poil has many benefits with dog and cat insurance.

5 Avantages De L’Assurance Chien & Chat
Eviter de payer des frais de veterinaire onereux.
Un chien assure est un souci de moins au quotidien.
Un chien bien assure est un animal qui vit plus longtemps.
Soyez couvert en cas de grave accident ou maladie grave.
Etre rassurer de savoir son animal protege et assure.
Asuro'poil insurance does not cover :
- Interventions carried out by veterinarians not registered with the National Order of Veterinarians.
- Pre-existing illnesses known to the member before the insurance subscription, as well as accidents occurring before the conclusion of the contract.
- The costs of an accident or illness caused or aggravated by ill-treatment, lack of care, organized fighting or sports competitions.
- The costs resulting from any abnormality, infirmity, malformation or congenital disease, including hip dysplasia and chronic dislocation of the kneecaps.
- Surgical procedures of an aesthetic nature, as well as the costs of orthopedic prostheses.
- Costs related to ovario-hysterectomy ( removal of ovaries and uterus ), abortion, contraception, parturition and cesarean section, including in the event of an accident, as well as the costs related to gestation and its consequences.
- Purchases of food, including dietetic food, as well as antiparasitic products, lotions and shampoos.
- The costs of identifying the animal by tattoo or microchip.
- The care of alternative medicines such as osteopathy, balneotherapy, acupuncture, mesotherapy, etc.
A very positive customer return :
When we want to take out insurance online, it is important to find out about customer reviews. Some platforms exist as Trustpilot who certifies quality and certified customer reviews and returns. Assuro’poil has already obtained more than 20,793 opinion on Trustpilot with an average mention “Excellent”.
A very positive customer return :
- Health vet
- Belfius Direct insurance
- Figo

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Why choose assuro'poil ?
- One of the great strengths of Assur O’Poil dog and cat insurance is his passionate team available at all times to answer your questions.
- As soon as you subscribe to Assur O’Poil, you are assigned an appointed adviser. The latter becomes your unique and privileged interlocutor, thus facilitating personalized follow-up of your membership.
- The offers offered and the formulas are ultra competitive compared to the current market. Whatever your budget, whatever the age, weight or category of your animal, a formula will be adapted to your needs and your very specific situation.
- Customer service is their main concern. Thanks to a cat available on their site, it is possible to contact a team member quickly and easily.